Database of Japanese River Brochures

This database subsided by River Environment Fund in Foundation of River & Watershed Environment Management has been created by Infrastructure Development Institute - Japan (IDI) to introduce Japanese rivers all over the world. As of 1 April 2006, a total of 286 English brochures related to rivers in Japan written in English are registered on the database, of which organizational breakdown by publisher is as follows:

E        Government agencies of Ministry of Infrastrucure, Land and Transport and other government agencies 203

E        Independent administrative institutions - 19

E        Local governments of prefecture and municipality - 34

E        Public-interests corporation 30

E        Total - 286


The database contains a brochure list (Excel) which links to each digitalized brochure (PDF) for browsing. It is also possible to search a document by keywords within Excel search functions.

This database is updated as needed.

Click here Λ@Database of Japanese River Brochuresv
iAbout 350KB Excel Filej

For further information about Database of Brochures on Japanese Rivers,

please contact us at:

Infrastructure Development Institute in Japan

2nd Research Development

Yukihiro MIKUMO

TelF03-3263-7920, FaxF03-3230-4030, Address